
pysolnp 2022.3.13

  • Fixed bug that would give incorrect results for completely unconstrained problems.

  • Removed precompiled wheels (binaries) for Python 2.7 and 3.5, and added wheels for Python 3.10.

  • Migrated CI to Github Actions from a mix of Appveyor and Travis

  • Started using cibuildwheels package for building wheels

pysolnp 2021.4.30

Serious issue found in releases 2021.3.8, 2021.4.25 and 2021.4.26 that caused incorrect output. This has been fixed in this release and previous releases have been deprecated.

Older Releases

pysolnp 2021.4.26 [Deprecated due to bug in output]

Fixed bug where the converged flag would only be set correctly when the debug was set to true.

pysolnp 2021.4.25 [Deprecated due to bug in output]

No changes, re-release due to issue with source code build in previous version.

pysolnp 2021.3.8 [Deprecated due to bug in output]

  • Fixed issues where build would fail on Windows with newer versions of pip

  • Added outputs:

    1. converged : Boolean that indicates if the algorithm converged or not

    2. hessian_matrix : A nested list of the last Hessian Matrix used by pysolnp

pysolnp 2021.1.27 [Deprecated due to build issues]

Add wheel to Python 3.9 for all platforms and fix below issues:

  • A change to pip means that meta-data version must match file-name version. This broke the source code build of pysolnp with recent versions of pip.

pygosolnp 2021.1.24

Initial release of the PYGOSOLNP library to PyPi. Pure Python 3.6+ library so no precompiled binaries released.

pysolnp 2020.4.11

Initial release of the PYSOLNP library to PyPi. Release includes precompiled wheels for Python 2.7, 3.5-3.8 (excluding Python 3.5 for Windows due to compilation issues).

cppsolnp 2020.4.11

Initial release of the C++ SOLNP library.